The History of Wire – How Bela krajina (The White Carniola) Became a Border Zone

The History of Wire – How Bela krajina (The White Carniola) Became a Border Zone

19 February 2019, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, +MSUM, Ljubljana. +Kantina MSUM in colllaboration with Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova organises a series of thematic discussions moderated by musician, writer, activist Miha Blažič – N’toko. In the third lecture of the Migrations in Time and Space, Božidar Flajšman will speak about the history of Bela krajina that became a border zone.

+KANTINA MSUM, Ljubljana

Tuesday, 19 February 2019, at 6 p.m.


The public perception of Bela Krajina has been marked by the wire on the border, a subject of far more debates than the economic and social issues that this cut-off region has been grappling with for many years. A closer look reveals that it was this creation of a “border between the East and the West” that greatly contributed to cutting this region off the rest of the country, despite its rich history of both trans-border connections and mass emigration. The author of the master’s thesis “Living by the Wire: socioeconomic consequences of the wire fence in Bela krajina” Nika Gračner has analyzed in detail the situation in her home region, which will help us understand the background of the current political situation.


+ Kantina is sharing space with the +MSUM Bookstore on the ground floor of the museum since Thursday, 21 December 2017. We have joined forces with a diverse team of people to add a variety of flavors to the existing international orientation of the museum. In addition to serving drinks and snacks from different parts of the world, + Kantina will serve as a new meeting point at Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova and in the warmest months of the year extend the service to the museums' platform, to catch the sun rays or seek for shades.


+ Kantina is also a space that provides alternative economies for affirmations of the knowledge of migrants and it aims to build social networks and exchange ideas in the wider area of Metelkova.