New Mappings of Europe

A Safe Country?

25 December 2019, The Museum of Yugoslavia, Belgrade. Accompanying discussion program of the Museum of Yugoslavia’s exhibition “The Nineties: a Glossary of Migrations”, named “A Safe Country?”, with a topic of anti-Roma policies in Europe, will be held in the building of the May 25 Museum, on Saturday, January 25, at 4.00 p.m. The program will involve Dejan Marković, President of the Forum of Roma Serbia, Saša Barbul, a Roma director, and artists Rena Redle and Vladan Jeremić, with Mira Luković, an associate of the Museum of Yugoslavia, as a moderator.

New Mappings of Europe

The Nineties: A Glossary of Migrations

5 December 2019, The Museum of Yugoslavia, Belgrade. The catalogue was published to accompany The Nineties: A Glossary of Migrations exhibition that deals with the mass migrations of the population to and from Serbia over the course of the 1990s. The primary concern of the exhibition is to map the different forms of engagement, from the 1990s to the present, which have, in the field of art, activism and civil society, addressed social, cultural, political and legal issues created in these extremely complex and traumatic migration processes.

New Mappings of Europe

The Nineties: A Glossary of Migrations

5 December 2019 – 1 March 2020, Museum of Yugoslavia. With this project and by organizing an exhibition dealing with the mass migrations of the population to and from Serbia over the course of the 1990s, the Museum of Yugoslavia aims to bring the heritage of the nineties to the forefront of current considerations. In place of documentary-historiography approach(es), which take a secondary position, the primary focus of the exhibition involves mapping the different forms of engagement that have transpired in the period from the nineties to the present, in which matters of legal, political, social and cultural issues that occurred in these extremely complex and traumatic migratory processes, were addressed via the medium of art.

New Mappings of Europe

Fluchtpunkt Wien – Symbolisations of Loss, Curators' Talk

12 July 2019, at 7 p.m., VBKÖ -  Austrian Association of Women Artists, Vienna. How can the existential experience of flight and expulsion be documented? Which forms and strategies of visualisation can be found, when letting loose and a reduction to the essential - the survival - is a central constituent of this story? A notepad, a photo in an album and a letter point to the flight histories of three women, who in the course of Yugoslavia's disintegration in early 1990ties' war found a resort in Vienna. On their flight, the three of them could hardly carry anything of their personal belongings and were only able to get back a fraction after the war.

New Mappings of Europe

Ulufer Çelik & Alaa Abu Asad: I love it when translation can be found to agree with our weird desires

1 July 2019, The Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. Do you know what does şemsiye mean? Do you use the word kırbaç for a whip? For around two years, we have been collecting identical words used in both of our languages of Turkish and (vernacular) Palestinian Arabic. A process that can last for good – as long as our friendship lives. We spend time together uttering words that are in common and draw them, whether they carry the same meaning, were slightly different, or were false friends.

New Mappings of Europe

Translocal Archives exhibition

28 June – 14 July 2019, temporary Project Space Gumpendorferstrasse 6 on the premises of VBKÖ – Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs, Vienna. The exhibition setting of "Translocal Manoeuvres" is activated by a series of dialogical guided tours and community-building events. This productive element of the presentation informs the second phase of the project, the "Translocal Archives", which focuses on film and media, urban narratives, mediation, and archives.

New Mappings of Europe

Southern Constellations: The Poetics of the Non-Aligned

7 March – 10 September 2019, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana. The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) was a transnational political project, a coalition of small and middle-sized states, mostly former colonies and developing countries, from the global south or the Third World. It was formed in 1961 in Yugoslavia at the Belgrade summit. The NAM represented the first major disruption in the Cold World map, a quest for alternative political alliances, for “alternative mondialisation”. The exhibition Southern Constellations: The Poetics of the Non-Aligned emphasizes the ideas, ideals and principles of the movement, particularly in close connection with its cultural policies and place them in a contemporary context with the question: Could there be a non-aligned contemporaneity?

New Mappings of Europe

Emigration in Early 20th Century – Louis Adamič and migrations to the US

22 January 2019, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, +MSUM, Ljubljana. +Kantina MSUM in colllaboration with Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova organises a series of thematic discussions moderated by musician, writer, activist Miha Blažič – N’toko. In the second lecture of the Migrations in Time and Space, Blaž Gselman will speak about Slovene-American writer Louis Adamič, whose 120th anniversary of birth was celebrated this year.

New Mappings of Europe

Social games | Workshop No. 3

19 January 2019, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, +MSUM, Ljubljana. Moderna galerija has a long-term relationship with the Livada elementary school, the school with the highest percent of non-Slovene pupils in the country. The third workshop was focused on creating a stop-motion animated film with mastering the entire process from making movable paper puppets to photographing and rendering images in an open-source computer program. The participants made a world map and all the animals that migrate shorter or longer distances. The materials they used were crayons and paper.

New Mappings of Europe

International Migrants' Day: We Are All Migrants

15 – 19 December 2018 in Vienna, Middlesbrough, Belgrade and Ljubljana. The partners of New Mappings of Europe project have initiated concurrent events for the International Migrants' Day to celebrate, accept and make visible our rich histories of migrations. In recent years, discussions about migrations have been marked by the so-called refugee crisis as the media have dubbed the more numerous than usual border crossings. The word migration thus conjures up images of endless caravans of people from the Middle East, the militarised responses of the EU states, social polarisation and the rise of hate groups. The point of view that presents the mass migrations as an extraordinary natural disaster that states must control deflects from a true understanding of this multilayered process. Mass migrations of people from one region to another have a complex history and are inextricably entwined with global economic processes that equally affect the local populations and the migrants.

New Mappings of Europe

Social games | Workshop No. 1

24 November 2019, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, +MSUM, Ljubljana. Moderna galerija has a long-term relationship with the Livada elementary school, the school with the highest percent of non-Slovene pupils in the country. First of four workshops with the Livada elementary school pupils and their teacher. First social game concentrated on the European cities where the participants would like to live. They chose their favourite buildings and made models. The game will be focused on who will reach her favourite building first.

New Mappings of Europe

This is Water: Exhibition Closing Event

26 September 2018, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art (mima). In partnership with local group LIKE Boro, we bid farewell to the exhibition This Is Water with a tour of the show, and a mapping session. This is an opportunity to feedback and reflect on its content and to help MIMA to think about the next phase of a conversation around representations of migration and diversity. Those attending will share a meal and a playlist of music that represents multiple identities suggested by our publics throughout the project will be played.

New oral history archive for the Tees Valley

July to November 2018, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art (MIMA). We create a new oral history archive for the Tees Valley in collaboration with residents, researchers, and activists. This draws together the experiences of migrants from the widest spectrum of backgrounds. This activity maps alternative routes of migration, labour, relationships and affects through personal narratives in the largely unheard, often undocumented, voices of local people.

New Mappings of Europe

Art in Action

July to November 2019, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art (MIMA). MIMA puts art into action. Together with partners, we work through art and creative programmes to contribute to the artistic, cultural, economic, educational, environmental and social life of our area. Art in Action is a space that reflects to voices, stories and experiences of the extraordinary people we work with. These individuals and organisations inspire us, fuel our work and help ensure that MIMA continues to our community.