Social games | Exhibition

Social games | Exhibition

4 April 2019, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, +MSUM, Ljubljana. Welcome to the opening of an exhibition by the pupils of Livada elementary school.



The exhibition is a result of "Social Games" creative workshops. The process took place at the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova and at the Livada elementary school. The focus of the workshops was to create games in the field of architecture, painting and stop-motion animation. The workshops are a part of Southern Constellations: The Poetics of the Non-Aligned exhibition focusing among other things on the phenomenon of migrations of the past and of the current time. The methods of the workshops were focused on the influence of migrations on the identification of children that are bridged by art, collaborative learning, spontaneity, and relaxed creativity.


The workshops were attended by ten pupils of the Livada elementary school in Ljubljana. The school has the highest percentage of pupils of migrant background in Slovenia. The workshops were conceived by Natalija Veselič Martinjak, Livada elementary school fine-art pedagogue and Adela Železnik, Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana curator. The participants of the workshops are from the territory of ex-Yugoslavia, Siria and India. Some of the children are of the second generation of migrants from the territory ex-Yugoslavia. The workshop mentors were: Anka Kočevar, Maruša Meglič, Anja Radović, Dana Terzić and Tanja Završki.