The Secret of Languages, game

The Secret of Languages, game

2 February 2019, Livada Elementary School, Ljubljana. We visited Livada Elementary School and helped them build The Secret of Languages boardgame. Together we made a colourful game board and each child made his/her own figure with wire and plaster.

We visited Livada Elementary School and helped them build The Secret of Languages boardgame. Together we made a colourful game board and each child made his/her own figure with wire and plaster. They made a long list of very different questions and translated them into all the languages spoken by the children (Slovenian, Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Hindu, English, Italian, German, French, Arabic). Players travel through the fields with their figures, answering questions written in ten different languages, thus reinforcing their mother tongue and learning the languages of their classmates. The game is not competitive, no one is a winner or a loser. During the game, the children socialise and get to know each other.