Emigration in Early 20th Century – Louis Adamič and migrations to the US
22 January 2019, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, +MSUM, Ljubljana. +Kantina MSUM in colllaboration with Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova organises a series of thematic discussions moderated by musician, writer, activist Miha Blažič – N’toko. In the second lecture of the Migrations in Time and Space, Blaž Gselman will speak about Slovene-American writer Louis Adamič, whose 120th anniversary of birth was celebrated this year.
+KANTINA MSUM, Ljubljana
Tuesday, 22 January 2019, at 6 p.m.
The point of departure of the lecture will be the work of the Slovene-American writer Louis Adamič, whose 120th anniversary of birth was celebrated this year; the Sophia publishing house is soon to publish his work From Many Lands translated into Slovene by Mojca Dobnikar. Adamič, who arrived in America as a 15-year old youth late in 1913, wrote largely about migrant issues, with special focus on migrant labor. He also drew up a long questionnaire about the migrant experience and sent it to numerous homes of residents of the United States. He included the answers he received in some of his works, painting in this way a wide mural of the US in the first half of the 20th century.
+ Kantina is sharing space with the +MSUM Bookstore on the ground floor of the museum since Thursday, 21 December 2017. We have joined forces with a diverse team of people to add a variety of flavors to the existing international orientation of the museum. In addition to serving drinks and snacks from different parts of the world, + Kantina will serve as a new meeting point at Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova and in the warmest months of the year extend the service to the museums' platform, to catch the sun rays or seek for shades.
+ Kantina is also a space that provides alternative economies for affirmations of the knowledge of migrants and it aims to build social networks and exchange ideas in the wider area of Metelkova.