Mapping Sessions

Mapping Sessions

July to November 2018, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art (MIMA). Join conversations with a member of our team to share your relationships with the area as part of our project This Is Water, which looks at the long histories of migration in the Tees Valley.

Through drop-in sessions, we have worked with a diverse range of people to map their experiences of migration and their family’s journeys to the Tees Valley. Starting with a series of carefully developed questions we have discussed and charted people’s countries of origins, their family’s heritage, their perceptions of home, leisure-time activities, desires for the future.

Working with the online platform Graph Commons, devised by artist Burak Arikan, we have made a large-scale visualisation of this work, find connections between those who on the surface do not appear to have much in common. This important document of experiences has been shown in the exhibition at MIMA as it has grown, and is freely available in its online form via Graph Commons.