"The Nineties: A Glossary of Migrations" exhibition guided tour by Žole (Škart)

"The Nineties: A Glossary of Migrations" exhibition guided tour by Žole (Škart)

28 December 2019, 1 p.m., The Museum of Yugoslavia, Belgrade. Žole contributed terms "Courage and/or Cowardice" for The Glossary of Migrations asking himself: "What did it mean, in the nineties, to be brave, and what did it mean to be cowardly? To head-on to a war one did not know the reason for, or to escape it?"

You are kindly invited to join us for an artist's guided tour of "The Nineties: A Glossary of Migrations" exhibition at the Museum of 25th May building. Curators of the exhibition, Simona Ognjanović and Ana Panić introduced the concept of the exhibition. At this occasion, the artist Đorđe Balmazović - Žole from the "Škart" collective joined them to introduce his own artwork.

Žole contributed terms "Courage and/or Cowardice" for The Glossary of Migrations asking himself: "What did it mean, in the nineties, to be brave, and what did it mean to be cowardly? To head-on to a war one did not know the reason for, or to escape it? Now, almost thirty years later, when it is known that the war resulted in approximately 140,000 killed and that around 4 million people became refugees (most of whom left Yugoslavia), the extent of the evil brought on by nationalism is clear and why it is so important to recognize it in time, and stop it."

"The Nineties: A Glossary of Migrations" exhibition presents works by over 30 contemporary artists and art collectives who deal with the problem of migration of population from an to Serbia in the course of one decade. More information on the museum's home page

Guests of the guided tour received a ticket for all the museum's venues.